Alexander Selimov has written three fine books of poetry, Ventanas a otros cuerpos (published by the prestigious press, Verbum), Post-Factum, and Desafío y otros poemas. I was especially impressed with the poems of the first collection. This is beautiful poetry. I was struck by lines like “Me resigno a renacer en mí” (I am resigned to being reborn in myself) and “No cuento con la permanencia” (I’m not counting on permanence) and of course the poems themselves to which these lines belong. “No cuento con la permanencia” is one of the loveliest poems in the book, for its near Machadian brevity and depth. And anyone who can be compared to Antonio Machado, one of the great poets in any language, is no slouch. Professor Selimov’s use of irony and humor is especially notable in the second book.

– Noël Valis, Yale University


Desafío: la poesía de la memoria contra la guerra. “Estamos en presencia de una de las voces más auténticas del panorama de la poesía contemporánea en español, que como mérito añadido, se ha integrado plenamente en una comunidad lingüística y una identidad cultural muy alejada de sus orígenes” Ángel Esteban. Desafío y otros poemas (The Challenge and Other Poems, Hockessin: Ibero-American Literary Society, 2019) is a collection that merited the 2018 Victoria Urbano Poetry Prize Honorable Mention. Some of the poems also appeared in a peer-reviewed academic journal: Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (formerly LETRAS FEMENINAS), Vol 44, No 1 (2018): REGS 44.1 Summer-Fall 2018. In April and May of 2019, Desafío was the #1 best-selling new release in Hispanic American poetry.

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Post-factum (Poéticas nº 12)

Poetry, memory, and reflection meet in Post-Factum (Madrid: Legados Ediciones, 2018), a book about rebuilding and reinventing the self. You will find subversively simple text contrasting with rich and unusual vocabulary, as well as striking poetic images. The collection of poems has three sections. The storyline follows a linear path: "Preludio" focuses on the experiences of a young Soviet translator in Cuba during the late 1980s, while "Post-Factum" and "Edenes" gravitate between Spain and the US of the last two decades.

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Derroteros de la memoria. Pelayo y Egilona en el teatro ilustrado y romántico

La toma de conciencia de su pasado histórico es parte integral del proceso formativo de las naciones, pero el hecho de recordar no equivale necesariamente a la recuperación de una realidad objetiva. Se trata más bien de una interpretación o construcción ideológica de ciertos hechos, con el objetivo de fijarlos en la memoria colectiva. Este libro aborda la participación de varios dramaturgos representativos del teatro ilustrado y romántico en la reelaboración y actualización del mito fundacional de la «pérdida y restauración de España». El apéndice contiene la primera edición conjunta de la tragedia Pelayo, de Manuel José Quintana, y del drama trágico Egilona, de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda.

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Ventanas a Otros Cuerpos

Alexander Selimov’s poetry oscillates, in this book, between crisis and the recovery of intimacy, between absence and presence, between the past and the present, between the “you” and the self, and between companionship and loneliness. In the opening movements, the sensual melody of the verse centers on feelings of loss, on scores with the past, on slow recovery of the presence of love and emotions. It demands a more invigorating life experience which enables us to understand the “I” from the perspective of the “You.” Many poems deal with the past and the present refering to an interlocutor: the poetic voice addresses the woman and discovers new details while describing, welcoming, thinking or talking with her. In the end, this lyrical narrator retreats into himself, into his own shadow, and draws conclusions coming to terms with what he was, what he is, what he has lived and what he is capable of receiving from the passage of time, to share it through tears, memories and forgetfulness. We are in the presence of one of the most authentic voices in the panorama of contemporary poetry in Spanish which, as an added merit, has fully integrated into a linguistic community and a cultural identity far removed from its origins. —Angel Esteban, University of Granada.

Autobiografia Y Epistolarios De Amor

de La Ilustracion Al Modernismo: La Poetica de La Cultura Romantica En El Discurso de Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda